Time to Change Employers Pledge

Signing our Time to Change pledge!

Happy Workplace Wednesday to all, we had an exciting morning yesterday as Emily our Head of Workplace Wellbeing and Alex, the CEO from Tyneside and Northumberland Mind signed our Time to Change Employers Pledge.

We at Be. see our ethos and values as being an organisational role model where we live and breathe what we deliver to our clients and will continue to be leaders in the workplace wellbeing arena.

So who are Time to Change, and why is there employers pledge such a big deal….. well Time to Change are an organisation funded by the Department of Health and supported by Mind and Rethink, they work to create a culture of everyone talking openly about Mental Health so that stigma is reduced and barriers are broken down. They are a pretty cool organisation with celebrity endorsements from Stephen Fry and Prince Harry, no less. They have a huge social media following, and their hashtag #timetochange
As part of tackling the bigger picture of mental health and creating that culture change, Time to Change host events like as Time to Take day, a day created with the purpose of everyone, every person, every grandmother, sister, dad and brother having a 5 minute conversation about mental health. They also attend events nationally with Time to Change Champions, these are people with lived experience of mental health and full of empowerment and passion on the subject.

One of the more recent events from Time to Change is their Time to Change employers pledge. This is a further move to create that positive culture in workplaces around the country, and will allow employees to feel better supported with their own mental health. So, the question is what exactly did we at Be, pledge? What are the commitments we have made in being leaders in Workplace Wellbeing.

Our pledge includes all members of staff, and starts with the senior management team stating “Our organisation specialises in Workplace wellbeing and it is the foundation of our values and ethos. We are all mental health professionals who work at Be from senior level to front line staff. All of our Directors have an interest in wellbeing and our Head of Workplace wellbeing has a career spanning 20 years working in the mental health field as a practitioner and trainer”
All of our staff will commit to our induction training which includes a full days Accreditation in being a Mental Health Advocate/champion. All of our staff will be Mental Health Advocates/Champions and received accredited training. We pledge to encourage our staff to share stories of their mental health. As mental health trainers and professionals we share our lived experiences at the start of every training or conference we deliver to create a safe space for others to share and to instantly create an environment of no stigma or shame. Our website professional bio’s include our lived experiences and we talk on social media about our recovery stories and prevention strategies.

These are some of promises we are making here at Be. and we know from experience that taking a stand like this and celebrating our Employers pledge that this WILL create a ripple effect, and make other employers and HR managers think about what they are doing to support their staff. Our Workplace Wellbeing Framework also provides all of the actions, training and consultancy that is required by your Time to Change Action Plan for Culture Change. 

If you are an employer and want to know more about how you can take a proactive step in being that change please call our Head of Workplace Wellbeing Emily Pearson on 0191 691 3500 for your free consultation.

Join is with our conversation and come along to our Time to Change Evenst on the 1st of February! Book your tickets here.

For more information on Time to Change click here

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